Original Tank
My 20 year-old aluminum fuel tank started leaking. I had to cut it in half to get it out of the boat. You can see the metal bent back near the top of the picture. The old tank was about 75 gallons.
New Tank
The new tank is 93 gallons, and I had to size it to fit it through the rear hatch without pulling the engine. This picture was taken after I removed the tank to replace the rudder and rudder port..
New Tank
This view shows how far the tank intrudes into the engine compartment.
Auxiliary Fuel Tank
This is an 11 gallon tank that I bought to give me some reserve to reach the Oriskany (800 ft carrier sunk between Pensacola and Destin, FL). After I removed the 93 gallon tank to investigate the rudder failure, I used it to motor to a nearby dry-dock.